Meet Blair

Blair Wegescheide (Architectural Studies and Urban Studies)
London Field Studies
Project: “The Repurposing of London’s Abandoned Underground Stations”

The London Field Studies trip challenged me to work independently and outside of my comfort zone. I am an Urban Studies and Architectural Studies dual major, and this opportunity offered me the chance to learn hands on in one of the most profound cities in the world. I researched the future commercial development of disused and abandoned tube stations in various types of neighborhoods in London. This project not only allowed me to get closer to one of my Pitt professors, but also helped me make connections with professionals in my field from Pittsburgh and London.

Overall, my trip to London really broadened my understanding of what I’ve been learning in the classroom here at the University of Pittsburgh and really helped me to be able to expand on my interests in a real world setting. Traveling with fellow Pitt students also helped bring us together and learn from one another’s projects. I will never forget this experience and I feel that it will benefit my future educational and professional plans more than I even realize at this point in time.