Summer Approval Process

Student Process for Summer Approvals:

The Summer Approval Form for 2025 is not yet live and will be opened in late February 2025.

*Please read through all instructions before submitting your Summer Approval Form to avoid incorrect forms and delays in processing times*

Step 1: Verify that you meet the requirements to take a summer course off campus:

  • You are a current student of the Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences
  • Be below 90 completed credits at Pitt at the end of the Spring term 
  • Have less than 60 credits transferred from a community college and/or in combination with 90 credits from a university 
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 at the end of the Spring term 
  • Have not taken the course or do not plan to take the course at Pitt 
  • You are taking the course at an accredited, US-based institution 

Step 2: Check the Undergraduate Course Equivalency Database to see which courses may transfer back to Pitt at your desired institution.

  • Please note that courses not listed in the database may still transfer to Pitt, but you will need to wait until you receive the Summer Approval evaluation email to determine what they transfer back as. 
  • This database is a living database so please refer to your official approval email for official confirmation of how the courses will transfer back. 

Step 3: Check the Dietrich General Education Catalog to verify that the courses you choose will fulfill the General Education Requirements you are looking for, if applicable.

Step 4: If you have any questions about the courses you plan to take or the institution you plan to attend, we highly recommend you meet with your academic advisor first.

  • If the course you are planning to take is needed for your major, please see your departmental advisor first to verify the department will accept the course toward the major. 

Step 5: Fill out the Summer Approval Form (linked below)

  • If you are requesting to take courses at two different institutions, you must submit a separate form for each institution. 
  • Please try to avoid submitting multiple forms whenever possible. Following the steps above and meeting with your academic advisor before you submit forms will help to reduce the number of forms you need to submit.

Step 6: You will receive a Summer Approval evaluation email from the Office of Student Records approving or denying your request. This email will list course equivalencies and will be on official Pitt letterhead so you can submit it to the institution you will be attending, if needed. 

  • Due to the high number of forms we receive, please be advised it may take up to two weeks to hear back regarding your request.

Step 7: After you have completed the course with a grade of “C” or better, please have an official transcript sent directly from the school to the Office of Student Records at

2025 Summer Approval Form


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I'm eligible to take summer courses off campus?

To take summer courses off campus, you must:

  • Be below 90 completed credits at Pitt at the end of the Spring term 
  • Have less than 60 credits transferred from a community college and/or in combination with 90 credits from a university 
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 at the end of the Spring term 
  • Have not taken the course or do not plan to take the course at Pitt 
  • Be a current student of the Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences
  • Be taking the course at an accredited, US-based institution 
I am a student in a different Pitt undergraduate school. Should I fill out this form? 

This form is for current Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences students (as of the Spring 2025 term). Students in other Pitt undergraduate schools should go through their school for the Summer Approval process. If you aren't sure of your school's process, please ask your academic advisor. 

If you have been accepted to the Dietrich School for the Summer 2025 or Fall 2025 term, please email for course equivalencies. 

How many credits can I take in one Summer to transfer back to Pitt? 

A maximum of 8 credits will be transferred. 

Can I take classes at an international school?

No, you may not take summer courses at an international school.

Can I repeat a course off campus that I have already attempted at Pitt?

No, courses attempted for credit at Pitt cannot be repeated at another institution. If you wish to repeat a course, you must do so at Pitt. 

If you withdrew from a course and received a “W” on your transcript, you can attempt that course at another institution.

I received my summer evaluation email, and the Pitt equivalent course is a block credit (for example, BIOSC 0000). What does this mean? 

Block credits are elective credit that do not equate to a specific course, but do count toward the 120 credits required for your degree. 

For potential re-evaluation, please see the department that the block credit refers to (i.e., Questions about BIOSC 0000 should be directed to the Department of Biological Sciences).  

Unless there is a General Education Requirement listed next to your block credit in your approval email, it will not fulfill any General Education Requirements and will only count as elective credit. 

I received my summer evaluation email, and the Pitt equivalent course is listed as “NONCAS 0000”. What does this mean? 

“NONCAS” is the course code used for non-Dietrich School courses. For example, if a student wishes to take a business course off campus, and the College of Business Administration has not approved a direct equivalency for that course, it will likely transfer to Dietrich as “NONCAS”. This will count as elective credit toward the 120 credits required for your degree. 

Can I take a course off campus to fulfill my Writing Intensive General Education Requirement? 

No, courses to fulfill the Writing Intensive General Education Requirement must be taken at Pitt. You can still take the course, but it will not fulfill the Writing Intensive General Education Requirement. 

How will my transfer credit show up on my Pitt transcript? 

Your transfer credit will show up at the end of your Pitt transcript with a "T" and the corresponding number of credits next to it. T stands for transfer and is not a letter grade.

Will my transfer course affect my GPA? 

No, transfer courses are "GPA neutral" meaning that they do not impact your GPA. You will only receive credit(s) for your transfer course(s), not a letter grade.

If I change my mind on a course or my course is cancelled, what do I do? 

If you wish to take a different course in the case that your course is cancelled or you change your mind, please submit a new summer approval form with the new course information. You do not need to notify Student Records if you decide not to take a course off campus.

My intended college is not listed on the Database, what do I do?

If your intended college is not listed on the database, please submit the Summer Approval Form so that we can review the college and verify its accreditation.