Weekly Course Task List

As you get started with each new class each term, it is a good idea to think through your overall academic plan for success for each class. By planning out the consistent tasks you need to complete such as reading before class, actively reviewing notes, completing practice problems or working on a long-term project, you can have a better sense of how to spend your time each week. Using the weekly course task list, keep track of the things you need to do each week. Check out the examples below for what may make sense for a course you are taking. The numbers in parentheses are an estimate of about how much time per week you may need to spend on that task. For example, for your Literature course you may have a lot of reading to do each week, which may take up to 4 hours. For Biology, you may be covering a chapter a week which could take a couple hours to read. 

Step 1: Understand the Learning Cycle 
  1. Make a Study Plan: When and what material do you need to review this week? What strategies work best? Stay consistent.
  2. Prepare for Class: Preview before your next lecture. Take note of important topics and any questions you may have.
  3. Go to Lecture: Use time in lecture to take effective notes while actively listening.
  4. Actively Review Your Notes: Summarize your notes within 24 hours. This checks for understanding and identifies questions.
  5. Plan your Next Study Session: After reviewing, note what concepts were most difficult. What strategies worked best for you?
Step 2: Set your Weekly Task List for Each Course

As you get started with each new class each term, it is a good idea to think through your overall academic plan for success for each class. By planning out the consistent tasks you need to complete such as reading before class, actively reviewing notes, completing practice problems or working on a long-term project, you can have a better sense of how to spend your time each week. Using the weekly course task list, keep track of the things you need to do each week. Check out the examples below for what may make sense for a course you are taking. The numbers in parentheses are an estimate of about how much time per week you may need to spend on that task. For example, for your Literature course you may have a lot of reading to do each week, which may take up to 4 hours. For Biology, you may be covering a chapter a week which could take a couple hours to read.

Course: Biology 2 Course: American Literature
Meeting Times: M/W/F & Th (R) Meeting Times: T/Th
Task List ~ 9 hours Task List ~ 6 hours
1) Read before lectures (2) 1) Read before class (4)
2) Review notes after lectures (2) 2) Review notes after class (1)
3) Complete homework problems (1.5) 3) Complete weekly writing reflection online (1)
4) Complete practice questions (1) 4) Research/write paper (1)
5) Review previously learned concepts (1) 5) Writing Center before papers (.5)
6) Tutoring and/or office hours (1)  


Step 3: Create a Consistent Routine

Once you have your list complete for each class, you can either combine it with a weekly schedule or permanent to-do list for each day of the week. Your schedule should follow a general routine for many classes. See below for an example of a permanent to-do list. The items in red are tasks that may not appear every week but become important as deadlines approach. You could also build out your schedule using a weekly planner or organizational tool of your choice. 


Download a blank weekly task list here.

Download a blank permanent to-do list here.